Your offical invite for 2022 Nigeria Clean Energy Expo

2022 Nigeria Clean Energy Expo

19 October 2022, Virtual Conference

Click here to Register for NGCEE 2022
The Local Organising Committee of NgCEE 2022 warmly invite you to the 12th Nigeria Clean Energy Expo (NgCEE), formally Nigeria Alternative energy Expo taking place virtually on 19 October 2022, under the theme “Diversifying the Clean Energy Economy” in line with the Nigerian Government’s strong commitment to unlock and harness the potential of renewable energy to increase power supply, raise living standards and support sustainable economic growth. NgCEE is an international exhibition and conference showcasing clean energy technologies, services and integrated solutions.  NgCEE attracts investors, create jobs and highlight that the sector is open for business and investment. The Nigeria Alternative Energy Expo is the biggest clean energy event in Nigeria that creates a platform for knowledge sharing, networking, and promotion of successful clean energy implementation in Nigeria. This event was launched in 2011 and has been consistently supported by multilateral institutions and attended by thousands of participants representing both the public and private sectors from many countries across the globe. We also want to encourage you to nominate your hero and heroine for the Nigeria Energy Awards, an award that recognises outstanding innovation in sustainable energy and renewables. Nominees/finalists are chosen from a shortlist of the year’s most successful projects for clean, secure, and efficient energy. The Awards highlight new ways to shape Nigeria’s energy future. Scan QR code to join the NGCEE 2022 Virtual Event

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